Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Shout it Out Loud

In uncomfortable or new situations, which can often be uncomfortable, I find myself becoming loud and rather abrasive. Some friends might just say that this is how I am most of the time. Maybe this is true. I often find that I notice these qualities when I am looking to establish myself in a part of a group.
My friend's dorm mates and then later her room mates will probably agree to this idea if asked. I found myself viewed as a rather loud character and often excessive. I found myself in this position again, amongst people I had met on one occasion, and trying to be noticed. I don't desire to be in the spot light, because if I did then I'd be a lot smoother and much more congenial than I tend to be. No, rather I am sarcastic, abrasive, who gives a shit right now attitude, in short a less than desired combination of qualities when trying to make an impression and/or make friends.
We can sit and discuss the psychological aspect of this, my inner dwelling of unsettled relationships, till we're blue in the face, but I feel (and this is in speaking not just about myself) that we must either grow up or live in our shortcomings. I can either let other's opinions of me, which by the way I have helped facilitate, bring about a change of character with in me for their benefit, or I can try to understand my outburst and show those people who I really am. And that would include the loud abrasive side of me, only coupled with those other various parts.
But then I also feel that people should just speak up for their own damn selves.
If they want to be heard over my loud cacophony of noise then say something.


bethany said...

dude. i hope this is not in response to asking people to include everyone...

it seems a little extreme.

bethany said...

you are one amazing mamma! you are way sweet no matter what anyone says. i am privileged to know you.

MamaP said...

um...i knew this would come out. glad to see another post.

i can always count on you to be real :)

by the way, LOVE your new pic, and am excited that you used the word cacophony.

Tricia said...

i'm so glad you posted again. and it the time that i wasn't checking you posted twice!!

i know what you mean though. my problem is that whenever there is a silent moment, i feel an almost maniacal urge to fill it. it's some wierd over-reaching desire to keep people from being uncomfortable. so i end up talking waaaaay too much and am uncomfortable myself.

what is that saying about 'letting people think you're an idiot instead of opening your mouth and removing all doubt'? now if i could only practice it.